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We attentively kindly request you to acquaint with modalities and conditions which follow; they bind you with the storekeeper, the owner of the site. Furthermore, you accept by the fact mode electronic communication with the storekeeper for the set of your exchanges and that these meet all the requirements of a written communication.
We save ourselves the whole discretion to refuse to serve you, to cancel an order, to close your account, to delete or to modify the contents of the site or to cancel an order that you conform or not to the present terms & conditions.
If you meet problems with an order, contact us as soon as possible at the following address: “Storekeeper”. 850 Pierre-Caisse, 500 SAINT-JEAN_SUR_RICHILIEU Quebec Canada 450.349.4244, 450.349.0281, Confidentiality of the personal information please consult our politics of accessible confidentiality in footer of our site to know the manners of which we collect, Share and manage your personal information.
Products and offered services are intended to be sold to the adults. If you did not reach the age of the majority, your place of residence, which is of 18 years in Quebec, you can make an online order only with the cooperation of your parents or with the cooperation of your guardians.
Accuracy of the information. We do everything in our power so that all the information spread on our site is without error, but we cannot guarantee this fact. We can refuse or cancel an order containing an article containing a description or an erroneous price. Unless otherwise specified, the prices are indicated in Canadian currency. Products offered on our site as well as dates of the offers, prices and availability, characteristics and technical specifications of these products are subject to revision and change without advance notice. It is possible that an online ordered product is not available anymore in our inventory or that it cannot be delivered because of a situation outside our control. We shall proceed then to the cancellation of the order and to the refund of the sums paid in return, if it is the case. Your only appeal in case of non-compliance of the description of a product is to turn him to its original packaging for the purposes of refund, according to the capacities of refund which apply lower. Registration and password you will have to fill a registration form to reach certain parts and features of the site of the Storekeeper. You make a commitment to supply us information up to date and sincere and to maintain up to date this information any time. You make a commitment to protect the confidentiality of your username and password.